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Game Play Maker : [轉貼]Unity 4.6 UGUI 如何整個 Panel 淡入淡出?

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  • 註冊日: 2008/2/19
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[轉貼]Unity 4.6 UGUI 如何整個 Panel 淡入淡出?
Unity Fade in Unity 6.4 UI, animations...etc

I would like to make a unity fade in , so that when my game starts the game fades in, and i can have this maybe as a scene?, so i can have it before each of my scenes. Would i need to use the animation feature to change the alpha of a black panel. I dont know but if anyone has any ideas, then please share :D, Thanks
c#animationfadefadeinfade out

Sure, If a static panel is OK you can put a canvas add a panel and put a CavasGroup on the base canvas.
You can fade from 0 Alpha to 1 Alpha by changing the CanvasGroup value.
     using UnityEngine.UI;  // add this at the top

     public CanvasGroup myCanvasGroup;
     private bool fadeIn;

     void Start()
         fadeIn =true;
         myCanvasGroup.alpha = 0f;

     void Update()
             myCanvasGroup.alpha = myCanvasGroup.alpha + Time.deltaTime;
             if(myCanvasGroup.alpha >= 1)
                  myCanvasGroup.alpha = 1;
                  fadeIn = false;

Thank you, the code works but it fades out, which i wanted aswell, but what values would i change to make in fade in? Thanks

No problem, Start at 1 and do
     myCanvasGroup.alpha = myCanvasGroup.alpha - Time.deltaTime;
     if(myCanvasGroup.alpha <= 0)
         myCanvasGroup.alpha = 0;
         fadeIn = false;

Also if you wanted it to take 2 seconds the divide Time.deltaTime by how many seconds you want so
 myCanvasGroup.alpha = myCanvasGroup.alpha - (Time.deltaTime / 2.4f);

that example is 2.4 second.

You should also untick the interactable and blocksraycast if only using for image effects.
and to do at any time have both a fadeIn bool and a fadeOut bool, make them public and just set them when you want a menu to either fade in or out.
You'll need both the fadeIn and fadeOut sections in Update for that to work but you should have enough code to get it working.

I have this code for the fade out:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class PanelFadeOut : MonoBehaviour {

 public CanvasGroup myCanvasGroup;
 private bool fadeOut;
 public bool globalFadeOut;

 void Start()
     fadeOut = true && globalFadeOut;
     myCanvasGroup.alpha = 0f;

 void Update()
         myCanvasGroup.alpha = myCanvasGroup.alpha + Time.deltaTime;
         if(myCanvasGroup.alpha >= 1)

             myCanvasGroup.alpha = 1;
             fadeOut = false;


And this for the fade in:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class PanelFadeIn : MonoBehaviour {

 public CanvasGroup myCanvasGroup;
 private bool fadeIn;
 public bool globalFadeIn;

 void Start()
     fadeIn = true && globalFadeIn;
     myCanvasGroup.alpha = 1f;

 void Update()
         myCanvasGroup.alpha = myCanvasGroup.alpha - Time.deltaTime;
         if(myCanvasGroup.alpha <= 0)

             myCanvasGroup.alpha = 0;
             fadeIn = false;


I put the globalFadeIn and globalFadeOut so that if they are checked then the fade in or out plays? It dose not work but is it the right way to go about it?

Not really. In the other script you need to reference your fade script so lets call the script Fade. Put the script on an empty gameObject and rename that MenuObject.

In any script that you want to set it do this:
 private Fade myFadeScript;

 void Start(){
     myFadeScript = GameObject.Find("MenuObject").GetComponent<Fade>();

 // when you want to access the Fade bools
 myFadeScript.fadeIn = true;
 myFadeScript.fadeOut = true;

Then set your fade script like this, hastily copied and pasted from your two scripts, so sorry if errors occur!
 public CanvasGroup myCanvasGroup;
 public bool fadeIn;
 public bool fadeOut;

  void Start()
      fadeIn = true;
      fadeOut = false;
      myCanvasGroup.alpha = 1f;

  void Update()
          myCanvasGroup.alpha = myCanvasGroup.alpha - Time.deltaTime;
          if(myCanvasGroup.alpha <= 0)

              myCanvasGroup.alpha = 0;
              fadeIn = false;

          myCanvasGroup.alpha = myCanvasGroup.alpha + Time.deltaTime;
          if(myCanvasGroup.alpha >= 1)

              myCanvasGroup.alpha = 1;
              fadeOut = false;

原文出處:Unity Fade in Unity 6.4 UI, animations...etc - Unity Answers
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